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Course Overview

Course Overview

MODULE 1: Course Overview


Course Overview

Course Description

Course Description

This course is designed to build on the Tribal Leaders Handbook on Homeownership developed by the Center for Indian Country Development and Enterprise Community Partners. Through 11 detailed chapters, a preface, and appendices, the Handbook presents key components of developing homeownership in Native communities, including engaging tribal leaders to support homeownership, navigating land issues, and making homeownership affordable. It explores the question:

What would it take to build new communities, and remake old ones, so Native communities move more positively toward meeting housing needs and bolstering economic development?

This course will enable practitioners to examine this question and delve into the components of homeownership to determine what assets they already have in place, identify gaps, and outline concrete next steps. The course combines hands-on, participatory activities, small group exercises, and large group discussions. Through modules that correspond to the Tribal Leaders Handbook on Homeownership chapters, participants will explore the nuts and bolts of homeownership, including needs assessments, homebuyer readiness programming, available mortgage products and subsidies, land processes, community planning, home design and construction, and enhancing affordability. Participants will also have the opportunity to define what homeownership means for them, to work with their peers to identify and address potential opportunities and challenges to homeownership in their communities, and to develop strategies and outline next steps.


Course Objective

Course Objective

Distinguishing between the governance role of tribal leaders and the implementation role of housing practitioners, this course is designed to enable housing practitioners working in Native communities to explore the different components of providing homeownership, in order to implement or enhance their homeownership programming.
Flowchart depicting the relationship between practitioner roles and governance

Core Competencies

Recognizing the Pathways Home: A Native Homeownership Guide as a vital piece of preparing Native families for homeownership in exploring the different components of providing homeownership, including preparing homebuyers, this course is not intended to duplicate or replace the information provided through the Pathways curriculum or training.

Core Competencies

Participants will be able to demonstrate the following competencies upon completing the course.

Competency 1: Explain the benefits of homeownership on the family and community levels and describe how homeownership has traditionally looked in their communities.

Competency 2: Understand the trust responsibility of the United States, the different types of land ownership status, and the process of obtaining a leasehold in their community.

Competency 3: Understand the importance of the needs assessment in effective homeownership efforts, describe the components of such assessments, and explain how their results can be used.

Competency 4: Understand the importance of partnering in providing Native homeownership opportunities and develop a list of potential partners to support efforts in their community.

Competency 5: Explain the importance of homebuyer readiness programming, describe the different types of such programming, and identify potential partners to provide programs.

Competency 6: Understand the mortgage lending process on trust land, describe the secondary market and the role of Native community development financial institutions (CDFIs), and be able to outline a range of available mortgage products.

Competency 7: Understand the basics of a planning process and timelines, identify essential planning process partners, explain the importance of community input and the charrette process, and be able to describe the comparative costs of neighborhood/subdivision vs. scattered site development.

Competency 8: Explain the importance of homebuyer input in the homeownership development process, the value of integrating green design approaches, the pros and cons of modular and manufactured housing, and the relationship between home design and cost.

Competency 9: Describe different strategies to make homeownership affordable to tribal members.

Competency 10: Better advocate for tribal leadership to support homeownership in their communities.

Competency 11: Identify potential challenges to homeownership development in their community, develop strategies to address these challenges, and outline concrete next steps to their homeownership efforts.


A Homeownership Framework

A Homeownership Framework

What follows is a checklist for developing a homeownership program in tribal communities. The checklist provides a framework of the various components of homeownership and the questions that should be addressed. Looking at the different components, the framework helps us identify:

  • Who is doing this work already in our community?

  • Who can we partner with on this piece?

  • Do we need to develop new programming, policies, or relationships to tackle this piece?

  • What areas do we need help in to provide homeownership opportunities for our tribal community?

We will be returning to this framework as the touchstone of our work throughout this training.

An overview of the modules: An illustration depicting all the module names and the icons associated with them.

Homeownership Checklist

Homeownership Checklist






  • Have you conducted a needs assessment recently?
  • Who can conduct a survey/ needs assessment?
  • Who are your potential homebuyers? (Tribally Designated Housing Entity [TDHE] residents, veterans, young families, tribal employees)
  • How will you reach out to and recruit potential homebuyers?
  • Who can teach financial education and homebuyer education classes?
  • Which curriculum will be used?
  • Who can assist families in improving credit?
  • Who can conduct homebuyer counseling?
  • Where will you build?
  • Where do families want to live?
  • Are you thinking about a subdivision or scattered sites?
  • Are leases in place? Will families need to obtain leaseholds?
  • What infrastructure will be necessary? (septics, lagoon, water line, wells, roads)
  • What are your infrastructure costs?
  • What will your development budget include? (construction, roads, infrastructure)
  • Are you familiar with sources of development financing?
  • How is your repayment ability for development financing?
  • What needs to be in place to access development financing?





  • How will you determine what families can afford?
  • Who will work with families to complete loan applications?
  • What sources of mortgage financing will homebuyers access?
  • Do you have relationships with mortgage lenders?
  • How will you determine what/how much gap financing/subsidies families will need?
  • What sources of gap financing will homebuyers access?
  • How can you assist families who are credit-ready and income-qualified now?
  • What design features do families want?
  • Are you working with an architect?
  • Do you have construction plans, floor plans?
  • Who will do your building? (force account, contractors, other crew)
  • Do you have the capacity to carry out these different pieces?
  • Where are your gaps?
  • How can you build staff capacity?
  • Who can you partner with on some of these pieces?

Download a copy of this checklist

This interactive workbook was developed to help individuals and leaders in native communities build their capacity to deliver homeownership opportunities to those they serve.
This workbook can be filled out online individually or as part of a group. How would you like to start?
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